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It's Been A Busy While, Have Some New Models

Dec 3, 2021

Been a while since I last updated this! Work and other physical projects have kept me insanely busy for the past year, I've barely had the time to sit and think about what I should post here, and what should be shared! Recently, I wrapped up modeling some new 3D printable props and costume accessories, some to go with my own work, but others because I felt that there was no model out on the internet that lived up to my own standards and my own expectations.

First, I started small. One of the things that I saw when I was browsing Prop Store were some of the original, screen used resin belt pouches that were worn by Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen in Star Wars, Episode I; The Phantom Menace & Star Wars, Episode III; Revenge of the Sith. Being screen-used, they were priced as such and I was inspired to try and model something that looked as close to the real thing without having to spend more than $2000 on a resin prop. Using some of the stills and images that were on the Prop Store Auction site, I decided to whip up my own:

And using some of Prop Store's images, I went and re-created these:

Both sets of pouches are designed for Resin and FDM printing in mind, and are large enough to also be functional pouches! I aimed to make these as functional and accurate to the screen used accessories as possible, while still trying to make them as simple for easy printing as I could. Both pouches were modeled using one of my newer software tools; Shapr3D, which allows for some pretty advanced modeling to be done on a tablet (like an iPad Pro). It's not as powerful or as capable of organic modeling like ZBrush 2022 is, but it can turn out exact dimension projects in a more accelerated rate in my experience using both softwares.

One of the other projects I've been working on in Shapr3D has been an animated version of the DC-15S from Star Wars: Clone Wars. I've only been able to find one 3D printed kit online for the animated version (that looks right) and I wanted to see if I could make my own that looks as good (or hopefully better).

An Animated DC-15s being held in one of the early seasons of Star Was: The Clone Wars

So using the screen references that I could find throughout the show, and using some basic measurements off of the 'alleged' stature of the clonetroopers to figure out the proportions of the blaster, I came up with my own version. Small improvements can still be made, as it's still a work-in-progress Mine is designed to be printed and assembled modularly, with space inside the blaster for electronics and to reduce materials/weight.

Next up is trying to figure if I can get the print quality settings dialed in enough without having to spend four days just sanding it. I'm setting myself a the goal of staying more on top of keeping this site up to date on what I'm working on and what projects I'm working on. Not exactly a lofty goal, but we all have to start somewhere, right?

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